The Software Development team at Foresight Autonomous Holdings is responsible for designing and implementing advanced software solutions that power 3D multi-camera-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). This cross-functional team, composed of experienced developers and engineers, collaborates to create robust algorithms and software tools, ensuring seamless integration of technologies that enhance vehicle safety and efficiency. Through innovation and teamwork, they drive the development of cutting-edge features that meet the evolving needs of the automotive industry.
Adi Meir
Software Engineer
Arkadi Kagan
Senior Software Developer
Aryeh Rapp
Software Team Lead
Asaf Jerbi
Software & Algorithms Develope...
Aviel Gergel
Software tool developer
Chen Paz
Software Team Lead at Foresigh...
Elad Gil
Software Developer
Gabby Alaluf
Software Engineer
Guy Barazany
Software Developer
Ruslan Muhlinin
Embedded Software Engineer
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