Forum Ventures

1 follower

Forum Ventures is the leading fund, program, platform and community for B2B SaaS startups. (Formerly known as Acceleprise)




Org chart

Mike Cardamone
CEO & Managing Partner

Mike Cardamone

Jonah Midanik
COO & General Partner
Navid Wheeler
Associate, General Counsel
James Murphy
General Partner
Bocar Dia
Partner And GM Accelerator
Neal Sarraf
Managing Director, Accelerator
Olivia O’Sullivan
Head, Platform
Sid Bharath
Head, Growth, Studio
Daniela Pico
Head Of Platform
Alice Krenitski
Director, New Ventures, Studio
Ellie Bof
Finance Manager
Ammar Abuleil
Technical Lead
Kevin Corliss
Managing Director
Arjun Nagendran
Founding Member: Zero-to-one Collective
Narasimha Voruganti
Founding Member: Zero-to-one Collective
Teija Bean
Head, Design, Studio