The Student Support Services team at Franklin-McKinley School District (FMSD) is dedicated to enhancing the academic, emotional, and social well-being of students from Kindergarten to 8th grade. This diverse team, comprising roles such as Counselors, Speech Therapists, Behavior Intervention Therapists, and Social Workers, collaborates to provide comprehensive support tailored to individual student needs. They work closely with families and the community to ensure that all students have the resources and skills necessary for a seamless transition to high school and future success in college and career pathways.
Alyssa Matinez
School Linked Services Special...
Anh Mai
Daniela Becerra
Para Educator
Elsy Martelli
Community Assistant
Felicia Vasquez
Para Educator
Jennifer Nguyen
School Linked Services Special...
Marianne Cabrera
School Linked Services Special...
Melissa Garcia
Speech Therapist
Nelly Wong
Stephanie Cardenas C...
School Linked Services Special...
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