Geistlich Pharma

1 follower

Geistlich Pharma AG develops, produces and distributes medical devices and drugs (anti-infectives, vitamins) for regenerative medicine at the Wolhusen and Root sites in central Switzerland. The Swiss company forms part of the Geistlich group which has been in family hands since 1851. Geistlich Pharm... Read more

Org chart

Diego Gabathuler

Dominik Göttel
Senior Executive Manager CSO
Dr. Matthias P. Dunkel
CCO (chief Commercial Officer)
Mark Spilker
Chief Scientific Officer
Schäfer Birgit
Senior Executive Scientific Manager CSO
Shrikar Bondre
VP Research And Development
David Wemans
Vice President Regenerative Technologies
Dr. Susanne Grund
Director People And Culture & ESG
Juerg Roth
Chief Financial Officer
Claudia Bühlmann
Group Manager International Sales
Georges Souillot
Natiional Sales Manager