


Gerent provides salesforce consulting and implementation services.

Org chart

Gopi Ramineni
Founder & CEO

Gopi Ramineni

Deb Stefanoni
Chief People Officer
Will Shu
Chief Information Security Officer
Deepika Bharathraj
President & VP, Operations
Anandhi Narayanan
SVP, Business Transformation & Strategy
Tim Sharpe
VP, Lead Generation & Inside Sales
Charlene Stefanazzi
VP, Marketing
Abhi Valaboju
VP, Pre-Sales
Chris Stefanazzi
VP, MAE & RCG Sales
Kal Shah
VP, Insurance
April Bollwage
Sr. Director, Education & Training
James Gardner Gregory
Senior Director Industry Solutions - Education And Nonprofit Services
Leanne Benoist
Sales Director - Education
Alexis Harvey
Senior Director, Delivery
Jill Winegar
Senior Director, Delivery
Lauren M.
Senior Solution Consultant
Brad Killam
VP Delivery & Customer Success, Regulated Industries