Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network


Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network is proud to serve as the federally designated not-for-profit agency that coordinates organ and tissue donation and supports families of donors in the northern three-quarters of Illinois and northwest Indiana.




Org chart

Harry Wilkins
President And CEO

Harry Wilkins

Dave Bosch
Chief Operating Officer
Jeff Davies
Chief Information Officer
Jeffrey Davies
Chief Information Officer
Marion Shuck
Executive Vice President Of Governmental Relations & External Affairs
Kathleen Abhalter
Vice President, Hospital & Partner Relations
Kim Mccullough
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Audrena A. Spence
Executive Director, Gift Of Hope Community Foundation
Ross Raspopovich
Chief Administrative Officer/chief Financial Officer (cao/cfo)
Aisha Ghori Ozaki
Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging And Culture (deibc)