Goodspeed Musicals


Goodspeed mounts both new and newly revived musicals each year on our main stage at the Opera House and on our second stage in Chester – a total of more than 400 performances during the April to December season attracting 130,000 patrons to the Connecticut River Valley. We stand at the forefront of... Read more





Org chart

Donna Lynn Hilton
Artistic Director

Donna Lynn Hilton

Endla Burrows
Director, Production
Adam Souza
Resident Music Director
Bradley G. Spachman
Production Stage Manager
Jay Hilton
Resident Sound Designer & Audio Supervisor
Carla Tiezzi
Charge Scenic Artist
Kristan McLaughlin
Artistic Administrator
Nick Palazzo
Arts Education Collaboration Coordinator
Mia Thomas
Lead Wig & Hair Stylist, The Goodspeed
Ann Houston
Jeffrey Hoffman, First Vice President
Blair Russell
Jeffrey Hoffman, First Vice President
Christopher Dodd
Jeffrey Hoffman, First Vice President
Steven Hernandez
Jeffrey Hoffman, First Vice President
Ann Aldrich
Technical Director
Ashlin Penn
Technical Director
Ian Borowik
Technical Director
Nathaniel Kerr
Technical Director
Robert Buchanan
Emeritus Trustees
Grace Petersen
Stitcher & Dresser
Lydia Chamberlain
The Terris Wardrobe Supervisor
Jay Aubrey Jones
Actor In THE Drowsy Chaperone

Board & advisors