The Marketing and Design Team at HairUWear is dedicated to crafting visually stunning and innovative campaigns that elevate the brand's presence in the beauty industry. This multidisciplinary team works collaboratively to design compelling marketing materials, create engaging digital content, and develop strategic brand communications that resonate with customers. Through creative storytelling and impactful design, they inspire both stylists and consumers to explore the limitless possibilities of alternative hair products.
Courtney Williams
Senior Graphic Designer
Frank Campanella
Designer And Stylist
Kathy Griffin
Designer And Stylist
Katie Couric
Designer And Stylist
Kyle Kaine Wigs
Designer And Stylist
Rosie O’donnell
Designer And Stylist
Sarah Jessica Parker
Designer And Stylist
Sigourney Weaver
Designer And Stylist
Stevie Nicks
Designer And Stylist
Yasmina Padron
Creative Services Director
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