Hope Community Church


Hope’s vision is to reach the Triangle, change the world. With four campuses in the Triangle, one online at gethope.tv and one in Haiti. We’re on our way to making it happen. And we live it out every day by loving people where they are and helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus.




Org chart

Jason Gore's profile picture
Jason Gore
Lead Pastor
Profile photo

Jason Gore

Wes D.'s profile picture
Wes D.
Executive Director - Finance & Operations
Duane Calvin's profile picture
Duane Calvin
Campus Pastor
Eddie Mullins' profile picture
Eddie Mullins
Area Pastor - Apex (adult Ministry)
Leilana Warren's profile picture
Leilana Warren
Kidcity Coordinator
MacKenzie Thomas Heatly
Small Group Leader
Robin Anderson
Area Pastor
Ryan Hayward
Area Pastor | Raleigh Campus
Shaun Sullivan
Area Small Groups Pastor
Tim Epling
Area Pastor
Amber Fox
Connections Coordinator
Ashleigh Kincaid
Communications Specialist
Brigid Eshbaugh
Ministry Intelligence Report Developer
Lloyd C Ray
Network Administrator (volunteer)
Michelle Corl Gallardo
Curriculum And Content Specialist
Sandra Honeycutt
First Impressions Coordinator
Shelly White
Student Ministry Operations