

HOTELSA is a group of companies dedicated to the production and commercialisation of food and beverage products for hotels. Under our brands Hotelsa Foodservice and Magic Drinks, our structure consists of 21 branches and 8 own factories (two in Mallorca, Barcelona, Tunisia, Morocco, Cabo Verde, R... Read more

Org chart

David Ogazon

Farooq Ahmed
Sales & Operation Manager
Hotelsa Food Dubai
Production And Distribution Of Agri Food Products
Hotelsa Maroc
Production Et Distribution Des Produits Agro-alimentaires
Hotelsa Zanzibar Limited
Production And Distribution Of Agri Food Products
Laura Marti
Directora De Planta BCN
Mariem Marrouki
Directrice Generale Afrique Asie Et Moyen Orient
Meriem Benzarti
Responsable Administrative Et Financière