The Begeleiding en Zorg team at Humanitas Onder Dak provides comprehensive support and care to individuals struggling to maintain their connection with society. They focus on helping clients regain balance in areas such as housing, employment, income, and access to social services through personalized guidance, group activities, and targeted interventions. This enables clients to remain active participants in the community.
Aly Dam Wichers
Aniek van der Aa
Annet Euverman - Ker...
Arife Nisli Alkan
Bas Ter Horst
Ambulant Begeleider
Coen de Ruiter
Activiteiten Begeleider
Dusty Verdugt
Persoonlijk Begeleider
Ellen Visschedijk
Persoonlijk Begeleider TOV
Esther P.
Persoonlijk Begeleider
Holly van Duyn