Intercoiffure Mondial

1 follower

First international organization of high quality hairdressing, Intercoiffure counts over 3,000 salons spread in 56 countries. You will find them in capitals such as Paris, New York, Tokyo, Berlin, London, Rome. The leaders of these salons are fashion o...


Paris, France




Org chart

Peter F. Pfister
Global President

Peter F. Pfister

Oliver Bohn
President, Fondation Guillaume
Eizo Kakimoto
President, Asia Region
Bettina Kingo
President, Nordic Region & ICD Denmark
Sheila Zaricor–Wilson
President, North America Region & ICD America–Canada
Anel Cloete
President, Oceania Region & ICD South Africa
Jens Dagné
President, Education for Life
Hanne Foss Hellberg
President, ICD Norway
Natasha Balabanova
President, ICD Ukraine
Andreas Innfeld
President, ICD Austria
Ivan Ganev
President, ICD Bulgaria
Hiroyuki Obayashi
President, ICD Japan & Fashion Director Asia Region
George Xu
President, ICD China
Jas Jhally
President, ICD Australia
Liselott Melin Von Uthmann
President, ICD Sweden
Samuel Rubio
President, Latin America Region & ICD Chile
Ezra Isaacs
VP, South Africa
Dan Studer
Managing Director, Education for Life & President, ICD Luxembourg
Bruno Sommer
Managing Director, Fondation Guillaume, Switzerland

Board & advisors