G K Pillai

Advisor at IvyCap Ventures

The Indian Administrative Service (1972 batch). He is the former (recently retired) Union Home Secretary, Commerce Secretary and Secretary of the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice.

Mr. Pillai has a distinguished service record. Among his many appointments at both state and national level, he was Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister of Kerala before becoming Special Secretary in the Commerce Ministry, India's chief negotiator at WTO, and Chairman, Board of Approvals for Special Economic Zones. During the tenure of this last role, over 500 Special Economic Zones, as tax-exempt export enclave zones, were approved, and are expected to employ around one million people.

He has represented the State and Central Government on delegations to USA, EU, Argentina, Brazil, DRC, Singapore, Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Canada, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, U.K., Thailand and Slovenia. He is renowned as a tough negotiator on behalf of national interests with a reputation as a thorough gentleman and a stickler for playing by the rule book.