Keppel Offshore & Marine

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Keppel Offshore & Marine is a world leader in providing total solutions to the offshore, marine and energy industries.





Org chart

Chris Ong Leng Yeow
Chief Executive Officer

Chris Ong Leng Yeow

Kevin Chng
Chief Financial Officer
Chor How Jat
Chief Operating Officer
David Wedgeworth
President, Keppel AmFELS, LLC
Leong Kok Weng
President, Keppel Philippines Marine Inc
Marlin Khiew Huey Kang
President, Keppel FELS Brasil SA
Ng Seng Chong
President, Keppel Nantong Shipyard Co. Ltd & Keppel Nantong Heavy Industry Co. Ltd
Ron MacInnes
President, Keppel Offshore & Marine USA Inc & Keppel LeTourneau
Antony Maria Joseph Thomas
President, Keppel Subic Shipyard Inc
Herman Effendy
President, Estaleiro BrasFELS Ltda & Keppel Singmarine Brasil Ltda
Muhammad Fadley Bin Mohd Amin
President, Keppel Batangas Shipyard Inc.
Wong Chun Yu
President, Regency Steel Japan Ltd
Kelvin Fok
Acting President, Keppel AmFELS, LLC
Stefan Tong Wai Min
Executive Vice President
Foo Kok Seng
Executive Director, Offshore Technology Development Pte Ltd & Gas Technology Development Pte Ltd
Tan Leong Peng
Managing Director, New Energy & Business
Edmund Lek Hwee Chong
Director, Operations
Lee Chay Hoon
Director, Organisation Development & Human Resources
Albert Kee Heok Seng
Director, Planning
Kenneth Chong Yun Kien
General Manager, Legal
Derek Sim Heng Kiat
General Manager, HSE
Nicholas Choo Kwang Hui
General Manager, Compliance
Phillip Mah Mun Kuen
General Manager, Group Security
Daniel Khor Wei Meng
General Manager, Strategic & Corporate Planning
Adeline Seah Wee Nie
GM, Keppel Sea Scan Pte Ltd
Lim Howe Run
Chief Risk Officer