Kirby Building Systems - A group company of Alghanim Industries


Kirby Building Systems is one of the largest pre-engineered steel building (PEB) companies in the world. Kirby is a 100% subsidiary of Kuwait-based multi-national and multi-billion dollar business conglomerate Alghanim Industries, one of the largest privately owned companies in the Middle East. In... Read more

Org chart

Raju D
Managing Director & CEO

Raju D

Rajendra Singh Rawat's profile picture
Rajendra Singh Rawat
Associate Vice President (avp)
Ramachandra Rao B
Vice President - HR
Hasan Iqbal's profile picture
Hasan Iqbal
Director Of Finance
Saurabh Upadhyay's profile picture
Saurabh Upadhyay
Country Manager
Raunak Jain's profile picture
Raunak Jain
Planning Head, Kirby Middle East & Africa
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