Kodolányi János University


Our mission is to contribute to the efforts to strengthen the European competitive higher education system and the international integration of Hungarian higher education. As the leader among non-profit higher education institutions, the goal of KJU is to become a centre of excellence in education,... Read more





Org chart

Péter Ottó Szabó

Tamás László Vizi
Acting Rector & Vice Rector for General Affairs
László Kovács
Vice-Rector for Education
Orsolya Hoffmann
Vice-Rector for International & Continuing Education
Éva Horváti
Director, Centre of International Development & Services
Krisztina Kodó
Head, Department of English Language & Literature
Bencze Lőrincz
Head, Department of Human Development Studies
Irén Simándi
Head, Department of History
Dóra Mócz
Head, Department of Cultural Studies
Tamás Tóth
Head, Department of Business & Management
Tamara Rátz
Head, Department of Tourism
László Pitlik
Head, Department of Informatics
Gergely Mits
Head, Department of Contemporary Music
Attila Zoltán Kirády
Head, Department of Cinematography & Television Art
István Szent-Iványi
Head of Department of International Relations