The Laboratory and Scientific Support team at Labor Dr. Wisplinghoff plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of medical diagnostics. Composed of specialists across various fields such as microbiology, pathology, and molecular diagnostics, the team collaborates to develop and implement innovative laboratory techniques and protocols. Their work not only enhances diagnostic services but also supports research initiatives and fosters a culture of scientific excellence within the organization.
Alina Hinsch
Dr. Angela Nowag
Scientific Coordinator
Elisabeth Ulrich
Leiterin Transfusionsmedizin
Grazia Margherita Wi...
Technical Assistant Microbiolo...
Judith H.
Medizinische Technologin Für L...
Karren Foncham
Life Scientist
Laura Effenberg
Laura Eßer
Markus Gödderz
Uta Wisplinghoff
Director of Laboratory