Lee Lewis Construction


Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. was formed in 1976 with aspirations of becoming one of the most capable quality construction firms in the nation. The philosophy on which Lee Lewis built this company was very simple. It was based on the premise that everyone within the organization works for the owner o... Read more





Org chart

Lee Lewis

Jason Smith
Anthony Lewis
Chief Experience Officer
Ty Parsons
Executive Vice President
Neil Easter
VP of Construction
Josh Weems
VP of Construction
Kirk Hughlett
VP of Preconstruction
Devin Sherman
VP of Pre-Construction & BIM
William Call
Director of Environmental Safety & Health
Savannah Ransome
Marketing Director
Amy Bollinger
Project Manager
Brent W.
Senior Project Manager
Bryan Walters
Project Manager
Carol Castillo
Project Manager
Carter Rix
Project Manager
Chase Parsons
Project Manager
Chris Harroun
Senior Project Manager
Daniel McCowen
Project Manager
Darryl Miller
Sr. Project Manager
David Bussell
Project Manager
David Clower
Project Manager/project Superintendent
Drew Gregston
Project Manager
Jacqueline Maldonado
Project Manager
Jennifer Norris
Senior Project Manager
Jesse Cardozo
Project Manager
John Clowers
Project Manager
Michaela Watts
Project Manager
Mitchell Davis
Senior Project Manager
Peter Gadoury
Project Manager
Rad Borg
Project Manager
Reid Pinson
Project Manager
Tyler Briney
Project Manager
Greg Hollers
Project Superintendent
Silvia Gamez-Babcock
Assistant Project Manager
Zachary Story
Project Engineer