Leadership Team


The leadership team at LottieFiles has a wide range of experience in different industries. Co-founder at Watchfacely, Lead iOS Developer at Mindvalley, Technology Lead (iOS) at AirAsia, Attended to UIKonf 2018 at UIKonf, Co-Founder Mindvalley Quests at Mindvalley, Co-Founder at homebuy360, Mergers and Acquisitions & Competition Strategy at Infosys (Bangalore), Head of Product Design at Mindvalley, Co-Founder at TaxiMonger, Partner & Developer at Net stream pvt ltd, and Co-host at giklzr podcast are all companies that they have experience with. They also have experience with different types of education such as Universidade Positivo, Industrial Administration, Universidade Positivo, Informatics, INSEAD, Candidate Global Executive MBA, Centre for Higher Secondary Education, English, Economics, Accounting, and CMC, Application Developing, Designing. This wide range of experience and education helps the leadership team at LottieFiles provide a well-rounded perspective when it comes to decision making.

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