Gian Maria Gros-Pietro

Gian Maria Gros-Pietro is an Italian Economist and former Chairman of ASTM SpA, an industrial holding company. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Italy's Intesa Sanpaolo Bank and currently Senior Deputy Chairman of the Italian Banking Association (ABI). He chairs the Committee of Market Operators and Investors at Consob and is a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana - the Italian Stock Exchange.

From 1974 to 1995, he led the Research Institute on Business and Development, the main economic unit of the National Research Council (CNR) in the field of economics. In 1997, he was designated as CEO of IRI, with the mandate of privatizing its main subsidiaries. Two years later, as Chairman of Eni, he would accompany gas sector liberalization.

Serving as director in many industrial, banking and services companies, from 2002-2010 he chaired Atlantia (formerly Autostrade SpA), and was a member of the European Advisory Board of Rothschild & Cie Banque (2002-2005). Gros-Pietro was an Independent Director of Fiat (2005-2014) and Chairman of the Audit Committee and Senior Advisor for Italy for Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking (2005-2009).

For 10 years, he served as a member of the National Council for the Economy and Labor, and was a member of the executive of Confindustria for 13 years. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Association of Stock Companies (Assonime) and of the Italian Association of Banking, Insurance and Finance (Febaf).

Not only a Board Member of the Luigi Einaudi Institute, he sits on the Executive Committee of ISPI – Institute for International Political Studies and is President of the Felice Gianani Foundation. Gros-Pietro chairs the Scientific Committee of the Cotec Foundation which he founded and whose Honorary President is the Head of the State. He chairs the Scientific Council of Nomisma and is on the Scientific Committees for L’Industria and Mercato, Concorrenza e Regole, and a member of the Commission of the Dematté Award.

Gros-Pietro became a Full Professor of Business Economics, first at the University of Turin where he was also on the Board for 13 years, and then at Luiss University where he also served as Head of the Department of Economics and Business from 2004-2011.