The MAP Title Fellows team at Make A Play Foundation consists of top-performing athletes selected as leaders within the D-League fellowship program. They oversee and mentor fellow athletes, coordinate professional development activities, and act as ambassadors for MAP's career training initiatives, ensuring the successful implementation of the "Fall Forward Plan" and contributing to the continued success of Training Camp and D-League programs.
Aleemah Williams
MAP D-league Fellow; Team Capt...
Amy Huang
Junior Board Member
Christopher Martinez
MAP D-league Fellow; Team Capt...
Cleveland Sellers
MAP D-league Fellow; Team Capt...
Devon Sims
MAP D-league Fellow
Giavonna Meeks
MAP Women's Playmaker '24
Hannah Liu
MAP Women's Playmaker '23
Isabella Whittaker
MAP D-league Fellow; Team Capt...
Jonah Coleman
MAP D-league Fellow; Team Capt...
Jovone Campbell
MAP D-league Fellow