Merlin Law Group

1 follower

Merlin Law Group is the "Policyholder’s Advocate"​. They are dedicated to providing legal counsel only to policyholders so that the clients receive the full benefit of their insurance contract for which they are entitled.





Org chart

Chip Merlin's profile picture
Chip Merlin
Founder & President
Profile photo

Chip Merlin

Keona Williams' profile picture
Keona Williams
Chief Operating Officer
Michael Mike Duffy's profile picture
Michael Mike Duffy
Managing Attorney
Ruck Deminico's profile picture
Ruck Deminico
Knowledge Manager
Dennis Bailey's profile picture
Dennis Bailey
General Counsel
Maura McCarthy's profile picture
Maura McCarthy
Marketing Director
Luis Alejandro Lopez
Chief Financial Officer
Karlene Monroe
Human Resources Director
Adrienne Sasko
Litigation Paralegal (registered With Florida Bar Association)
Iris Kuhn
Attorney At Law
Javier Mendez Vidal
Attorney At Law
Shane Smith
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