Mofarreh Al-Harbi & Partners CO.

1 follower

Mofarreh Al-Harbi and Partners aka (MAH) was founded in 1977. with more than 46 years of experience since its inception and expansion, MAH was formed to focus on the segment comprising civil, electrical, mechanical, telecom, mining, onshore, offshore, rental equipment, landscaping, and many other se... Read more



Dammam, SA




Org chart

Marzouq Alharbi

Mohamed abu Nimah Ccp's profile picture
Mohamed abu Nimah Ccp
Head Of Commercial Department
Mohammed Ealyean's profile picture
Mohammed Ealyean
Business Units Head
Bunel Rafeeq's profile picture
Bunel Rafeeq
Procurement Documet Controller
Ahmed Rashad's profile picture
Ahmed Rashad
Senior Human Resources Specialist
Turki Alhawsawi's profile picture
Turki Alhawsawi
Human Resources Specialist
Zameer Basha
Human Resources Coordinator
Engr. Moath abu Hasan
Construction Manager
Faisal Khan
Geotechnical Manager
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