Mohsin Haider Darwish LLC


MHD has been built on more than fifty years of business in the Sultanate of Oman, and was incorporated in its current form in 1987. The Company remains a leader in commercial trading, while having expanded also into industrial products and services, contracting and investment. MHD LLC is compris... Read more


Muscat, Oman




Org chart

Mohsin Al-Bahrani

Ganesh Patra
Division Finance Head
Vikram Joshi
Chief Operating Officer
Hardeep Flora
Retail HEAD - Tyreplus (michelin BFG Tyres)
Priyojeet Sen
Divsion Head
Sarvesh Kumar
National Sales Head
Panindernath Gupta B.
Senior General Manager - Division Head Technology & Communications Division - OMAN & Uae.
Kotagiri Appa Rao
Head For Michelin And Non Michelin Pcr, LTR & SUV Product Lines.
Sriram Vijayaraghavan
Product Head - Industrial & OTR Tires
Varghese Shajo
Product Head-batteries And Allied Product’s
Mohammed A. al-Kharusi
Chief Investment Officer