National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


As the worldwide authority on strength and conditioning, the NSCA supports and disseminates research-based knowledge and its practical application to improve athletic performance and fitness. The NSCA serves over 30,000 associated professionals in 72 countries. Drawing upon its vast network of me... Read more

Org chart

Michael Massik
Executive Director

Michael Massik

Adrienne Muñoz
Certified Strength And Conditioning Coach And Certified Personal Trainer
Katherine Nadelberg
Certified Personal Trainer
Michael Dockter
Certified Personal Trainer
Adrian Inhulsen
Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist
Olivia Caldareri
Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (cscs)
Lori Stikeleather
Director Of Brand & Creative
Chad Kerksick
Vice President
Ludmila Cosio - Lima
Vice President