Paharpur 3P


Paharpur 3P is a leader in the flexible packaging industry in India. We make a variety of custom printed packaging in all shapes, sizes and structures.

Org chart

Mohammed Nadeem's profile picture
Profile photo

Mohammed Nadeem

Ca Ashish Jain's profile picture
Ca Ashish Jain
Vp- Finance & Accounts
Shivprakash Yadav's profile picture
Shivprakash Yadav
Deputy Manager
Cmj Reddy
Sales Manager
Rupali Shinde's profile picture
Rupali Shinde
Manager Sales N Marketing
Aditya Singh
Sales And Marketing
Kapil Sharma's profile picture
Kapil Sharma
Sr. Executive Sales & Marketing
Ritika Arora
New Development/packaging Technologist
Tushar Mathur
Assistant General Manager- Exports Sales And Marketing
Chandan Mishra
Assistant Manager - International Business.
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