Kuno Sommer

Board Member at Polyphor

Kuno Sommer today focuses on active board memberships in the life sciences sector as a non-executive member. He is Chairman of the Board of the Bachem Group; the Sunstar group; TargImmune; PDS Pathology Data Systems AG and Kenta Biotech AG. In his last operational role, he headed the contract research division of Harlan Laboratories Ltd. From 2000 until 2006 he was CEO of Berna Biotech Ltd, which was sold to Crucell N.V. in 2006 (today Johnson & Johnson). Starting in 1986 at F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd he worked in various functions until 1999 and spent 4 years in the US. In his last position at Roche, he became a member of the Executive Committee, responsible for the Flavours and Fragrances division (today Givaudan Ltd). Dr. Sommer holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Basel as well as an MBA.