The Health Access Support team at Portico Healthnet is dedicated to empowering uninsured individuals and families by facilitating access to health coverage and services. This team, comprised of Certified MNsure Navigators and Health Access Coordinators, provides personalized outreach, application assistance, and enrollment support for MNsure programs. Through their guidance, they help clients navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the resources needed for effective health management.
Ally Astor - Ramirez
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Anthony Giron
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Denise Molinares Per...
Mnsure Navigator
Dung Pham
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Jeudy Limonte
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Kristy Lewis
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Maria Mendez Enrique...
Health Access Team Lead
Mayeli Barrera
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Pauline Nguyen
Mnsure Senior Navigator
Remona Htoo
Mnsure Senior Navigator