Leadership Team


The leadership team at Powerplay Retail has a wide range of experience in business development, sales, marketing, and accounting. They have worked for companies such as COKeM International, WYNIT Distribution, Navarre Corporation, Fingerhut Corporation, Evine Live, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, Regency Beauty Institute, Gander Mountain, KO Storage, DealRise Retail, Brandless, Inc., Mars & Co., Target Canada, Outlive, WATER STREET RESTAURANTS GROUP LLC, Epoch Lacrosse, Bluewater, NoSweat, TriMac Rentals, and Deloitte. They have also been educated at universities such as the University of Northern Iowa, Winona State University, the University of Minnesota, Hamilton College, the University of Minnesota Duluth, and the University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management.

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