Quadrant Strategies


Quadrant Strategies is a research-driven consultancy based in Washington, DC. We were founded on a very clear principle: clients facing critical challenges need  strategic advice, not just data, to make the right decisions. We provide  our clients with  smart counsel on  the best path forward,... Read more

Org chart

Billy Mann's profile picture


Billy Mann
Managing Partner
Profile photo

Billy Mann

Cate Hargrove's profile picture
Cate Hargrove
Vice President
Celia Roberts' profile picture
Celia Roberts
Vice President
Connor Schmidt's profile picture
Connor Schmidt
Vice President, Digital Strategy
Declan Dwyer's profile picture
Declan Dwyer
Vice President, Finance
Max Steinhorn's profile picture
Max Steinhorn
Vice President
Moritz Reinsch's profile picture
Moritz Reinsch
Vice President
Robin Lindberg
Principal, Research Operations
Maxwell Kanefield
Senior Director
Vice President
Vacant position
Emily Kanter
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