Mark Perutz

Board Member at RallyPoint

Mark Perutz is a Part­ner at DBL Investors. Pre­vi­ously he was an invest­ment pro­fes­sional at JPMor­gan help­ing to man­age the Bay Area Equity Fund from 2003 through the spin-??out of the Bay Area Equity Fund from JPMor­gan and the found­ing of DBL Investors in Jan­u­ary 2008. He is on the board of Rev­o­lu­tion Foods and has worked with the fol­low­ing port­fo­lio com­pa­nies: Primus Power, Solaria, SolarCity, Tesla Motors, Pow­erLight, eMe­ter, Solex­ant, Lab­cyte, XDx, Ben­tek and ReShape. Pre­vi­ously, Mark was an equity research ana­lyst at Robert­son Stephens. At Robert­son, Mark focused on the enter­prise soft­ware sec­tor, where his area of cov­er­age included com­pa­nies such as: BEA Sys­tems, Ink­tomi, Doc­u­men­tum, Inter­wo­ven, Broad­Vi­sion, Allaire, Sil­ver­Stream, Iona, Per­sis­tence and iMan­age. Mark received a BS and MS in Mechan­i­cal Engi­neer­ing from MIT, and received a MBA from the Sloan School of Busi­ness at MIT.