Maggie Roberts

Secretary at RAMS

Maggie Roberts was a disability rights lawyer in California for thirty years. She most recently had a private law practice in Oakland, CA specializing in representing children with disabilities in special education cases. Prior to that, she worked at Disability Rights California as an Associate Managing Attorney. She provided legal representation to children and adults with disabilities on a variety of issues related to disability rights, including, special education rights, civil rights, and access to community based services. She performed policy work and legislative advocacy related to expanding access to community based mental health and other health services and reducing stigma related to disability. She has given multiple training presentations across California to educate people on the rights and unmet service based needs of individuals with disabilities, as well as teaching self-advocacy to people with disabilities and their families. Before joining Disability Rights California, Maggie had her own law practice in San Francisco specializing in representing homeless individuals with disabilities in SSI benefits claims and appeals.

Maggie graduated from Northeastern University School of Law in 1990. She holds a B.A. degree in East Asian Studies from Oberlin College.