The Animation and Visual Effects team at Reel FX collaborates to produce high-quality animated films and visual content. Comprised of specialists in animation, matte painting, lighting, compositing, character development, and effects, they bring stories to life through meticulous design, character rigging, and visual enhancements. This team ensures that every project, from feature films to interactive content, delivers visual excellence and captivating storytelling.
Adrien Amilhat
Lead Matte Painter
Behram Khoshroo
Lead Animator
Cesar Blazquez
Lead Lighting And Compositing
Chris Burnham
3d Animator
Cindy Redon
Lead Lighting Compositing
Corinne Gibeault
Lead Animator
David Francois
Lead Compositor
Garfie James
Character Development Lead
Olivier Arpin
FX Artist
Yegor Smirnov
Lookdev Lead At Reel FX
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