The Livestock Management team at Ruralco Holdings Ltd focuses on the sourcing, marketing, and sale of various livestock, including cattle and sheep. This team coordinates with regional livestock managers and specialists to ensure optimal livestock quality and pricing, facilitates client relationships, and oversees the logistics of livestock transactions both domestically and for live export. Leveraging industry expertise, they support rural customers in making informed decisions, enhancing productivity, and maximizing value in livestock management.
Adam Mountjoy
Region Livestock Lead South Ea...
Adam Murphy
South East Region Based In She...
Colby Ede
Region Livestock Lead North Ea...
Dane Pearce
Stud Stock Manager North Queen...
Leon Giglia
Region Livestock Manager - WA
Peter Storch
South West Livestock Manager, ...
Phil Jones
State Affiliate Manager - QLD
Skye Ogerly
Commercial Cattle Manager, Fre...
Sue Quinn
Western Region Rfm, Servicing ...
Tania Mcananey
Account Manager - Sa/vic/sth N...
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