Ruthman Companies


As a family owned business supplying pumps for over 100 years, you can rely on Ruthman Companies to provide comprehensive support for the life of your pump. We custom manufacture a wide range of pump types to your specifications, assist you with installation, and provide service for the life of your... Read more




Org chart

Thomas R. Ruthman
President & Owner

Thomas R. Ruthman

Thaddeus D. Mccord
Corporate Controller
Charles Landry
Information Technology Director
Lisa Wallner
Director of Marketing
David J. Locaputo
GM, Fulflo Specialties Co.
Tim Mcclanahan
GM, Gusher Pumps
Mike Jones
GM, Great Lakes Pump & Supply
Zhang Mo
GM, Gusher Shanghai
Scott Larsen
Sales & Engineering Manager, Nagle Pumps
Christoph Kubiciel
GM, Ruthmann Pumpen, LLC
Laura Smith
GM, Wagner Process Equipment
George O. Villar
General Manager
Scott Mezuk
General Manager
Dan Csomos
National Sales Manager
Steve Poston
Operations Manager
Jim Adams
Western Regional Manager