Gremi Media SA


Publisher of the "Rzeczpospolita"​, the "Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet"​ and the "Życie Warszawy"​ daily newspapers as well as their online editions and specialist websites for corporate professionals (df.rp.pl), local authorities (samorzad.rp.pl) and lawyers (prawnicy.rp.pl).

Org chart

Maciej Maciejowski

Łukasz Malec's profile picture
Łukasz Malec
Chief Technology Officer
Milena Ostólska's profile picture
Milena Ostólska
Head Of Brands (rzeczpospolita, Parkiet)
Anna Gawron's profile picture
Anna Gawron
Director Of Research And Analysis Department
Adam Roguski
Redaktor Prowadzący
Agata Borys' profile picture
Agata Borys
Key Account Manager W Rzeczpospolita
Kowalski Jan's profile picture
Kowalski Jan
Project Manager - Rzeczpospolita Życie Regionów
Paweł Dróżdż
Digital Marketing Specialist
Sebastian Krause
Dyrektor Nowych Mediów


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