Stephen Hogan

Senior Advisor at Saber Partners

Stephen Hogan, Esq is a Senior Advisor of Saber Partners, LLC.

Mr. Hogan has been a practicing attorney for more than 40 years and brings his experience as a litigator in complex commercial matters to Saber Partners’ engagements in acting as an expert witness in securities dispute resolutions, particularly in the area of auction rate securities. While Mr. Hogan does not provide legal advice to Saber Partners or its clients, he adds a seasoned advocate’s perspective to the crafting of expert witness reports prepared for cases in Federal and State courts, as well as administrative proceedings, including FINRA arbitrations.

Being an expert witness in securities litigation requires having the unimpeachable knowledge and experience in difficult and complex areas of the law that can provide needed guidance to the triers of fact, be they judges, juries or arbitrators; and Saber Partners LLC is uniquely suited to this role by the combination of the unparalleled qualifications of its professionals coupled with its independence from larger institutions. But the arena for this particular work is the law, and it is here that Mr. Hogan adds his experience of years of dealing with complex commercial litigation, analyzing documentary evidence and witness testimony, and the crafting of legal advocacy.

Mr. Hogan began his legal career in 1975 at the New York firm Lord, Day & Lord as part of the antitrust department, working primarily on criminal and civil litigations. In 1986 the antitrust department left Lord, Day & Lord to join the litigation department of the New York office of the international law firm, Coudert Brothers. Mr. Hogan was a partner in the firm, specializing in white collar crime as well as commercial litigation. In 1995 Mr. Hogan left Coudert for the New York criminal defense firm Litman, Asche & Gioiella to specialize in the defense of white collar crime. In 2000 he co-founded the commercial litigation law firm Yeskoo Hogan & Tamlyn, LLP.

Mr. Hogan has been a member of the American Bar Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, The New York State Bar Association, and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, where he served on the Antitrust and Telecommunications Committees.

Mr. Hogan received a J.D. from New York University School of Law and was a cum laude graduate of Fordham College, with a B.A. in Philosophy.