The Risk Management and Underwriting team at SACE is dedicated to assessing and mitigating financial risks associated with supporting Italian SMEs and larger corporations. This team evaluates creditworthiness, underwrites insurance policies, and develops tailored risk management solutions to safeguard investments and promote sustainable growth. By leveraging expertise in various sectors—including green initiatives, infrastructure, and large corporates—this team ensures that businesses can confidently pursue opportunities both domestically and internationally.
Angela Sorge
Manager Risk Credit Insurance
Daniele Scomazzon
Senior Underwriter Large Corpo...
Emanuela Cretoni
Senior Risk Management Analyst
Luca Lombardi
Senior Underwriter Green & Inf...
Marco Pizzato
Manager - Credit Risk Analysis
Maria Rosaria Soldo
Senior Credit Analyst - Intern...
Matteo Barnabè
Senior Credit Risk Analyst
Matteo Reguzzoni
Business Corporate Uderwriting
Sabrina Carretta
Senior Risk Underwriter
Samuele Enea Bartolo...
Senior Risk Management Analyst
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