Salient CRGT

1 follower

Salient CRGT is a leading provider of Agile software development, data analytics, mobility, cyber security, and infrastructure solutions.





Org chart

John Anderson's profile picture
John Anderson
Sector President, National Security
Kristin Gill's profile picture
Kristin Gill
Sector President, Veteran and Enterprise Technology
Rebecca Miller's profile picture
Rebecca Miller
Sector President, Health & Civilian
Allen Deitz
EVP, Growth Enablement Team
Stephen Goehler
SVP, Strategic Operations
John Hacker's profile picture
John Hacker
Principal Systems Analyst/programmer
Maria Mosolova's profile picture
Maria Mosolova
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Peter L Ly
Principal Subject Matter Expert
John Blatchford
Director Of Agile Business Intelligence
David Corso
Senior Virtualization Engineer
Nina Elizabeth Corin
Senior Communications Manager
Christin Smith
Billing Manager
Richard Faunce
Senior Finance Manager
Rory Schultz
Portfolio Manager
Suzanne Guh
Billing Manager