SCCC | Alibaba Cloud

1 follower

Alibaba Cloud, the global leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, brings its expertise to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; a nation emerging on the forefront of progress and development, to grow your potential in an accelerated digital world. SCCC | Alibaba Cloud was formed through strong... Read more





Org chart

Talal Albakr
Chief Executive Officer

Talal Albakr

Alaa Alabad
Head Of Enterprise Sales
Ali Aldubaikhi
Head Of Sales - Government
Abdulrahman Alhomood
Chief Business Excellence Officer
Khalid Alashaikh
Chief Business Officer
Mohanad Aljabrain
Head Of Partnerships
Abdullah Aloraini
General Manager, Sales & Partnerships
Mansour Almansour
General Manager, Marketing & Communications