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Say goodbye to tedious sales responses and hello to a streamlined, high-impact sales process. Introducing SiftHub, your AI sales response platform. SiftHub acts as a central hub to collate and sift through all your content scattered across multiple repositories and tools. Through accelerated knowl... Read more




Org chart

Manisha Raisinghani

Sanjana Balaraman
Marketing Manager
Ameya Nayak
Founding Team
Anuj Shah
Founding Team
Darshit Modi
Founding Team
Divyang Bhimani
Founding Team
Harsh Vakharia
Founding Team
Jitesh Nagaria
Founding Team
Nikunj Ladani
Founding Team - Research And Design
Ronak Bhandari
Founding Team
Ron Astle Lobo
Founding Team
Shreyas Pendam
Founding Team
Varun Mukherjee
Founding Team
Apurva Pawar
Founding Team