Lexie Flock

Artist & Animator at Six Wing Studios

Lexie dreams as a snake living in a cave made of obsidian glass, as a winged beast living impatiently among mortal men, and as a phantom discovering the secrets of a long-dead civilization. Her artwork reflects these dreams, and vice-versa, as she has always maintained an interest in creating monsters. Lexie also gained an interest in immersive open-world storytelling, and over the past decade or so, she has been slowly but surely developing a world of her own, complete with its own biomes, monsters, and magic systems. One such monster happened to catch Dr. Gabe's eye at Imurj, an "artist's bar" they both visited, and Lexie has been a part of Six Wing Studios ever since.

Lexie has spent the last two years putting Dr. Gabe's loose ideas on a canvas and bringing characters to life, be it through concept art, illustration, or animation, and has even picked up new skills, like Spine animation, to do so. Being a part of the creative team behind a game has always been an ideal career for her, and she is excited to bring this new idea to life.


  • Artist & Animator

    Current role