
1 follower

Sleuth is a mission control software for teams doing Continuous Delivery. It provides centralized visibility into software delivery performance and progress, plus automation that empowers developers to make frequent deploys easier and less stressful.

Org chart

Dylan Etkin's profile picture
Dylan Etkin
Founder & CEO
Profile photo

Dylan Etkin

Don Brown's profile picture
Don Brown
Founder & CTO
Tyler Cascade's profile picture
Tyler Cascade
Head, Marketing
Daniel de Juan's profile picture
Daniel de Juan
Director, Product Management
Igor Bogdanovski's profile picture
Igor Bogdanovski
Principal Designer
Rebecca Boozan's profile picture
Rebecca Boozan
Head, Customer Success
Sasha Yee's profile picture
Sasha Yee
Lisa Davis
Head, Talent
Rory McCallion
Director, Analytics