Slovak Football Association


The Slovak Football Association is the governing body of football in Slovakia based in Bratislava.

SFA ensures regular sporting activity of more than ten thousands of young people within its structure. It is held about 5,000 matches every week in the towns and villages across the whole country.





Org chart

Ján Kováčik

Richard Havrilla
1st VP, Amateur Football, East Slovak Football Association
Ivan Kozák
VP, Professional Football
Karol Belaník
VP, State Representation & International Relations
Jozef Paršo
VP, Amateur Football, Central Slovak Football Association
Ladislav Gádoši
Executive Committee Member, Amateur Football
Peter Sepeši
Executive Committee Member, Legal
Juraj Jánošík
Executive Committee Member, Amateur Football, Bratislava Football Association
Marián Ružbarský
Executive Committee Member & Chair, Referees' Commission
Petr Kašpar
Executive Committee Member, Professional Football
Tibor Végh
Executive Committee Member, Professional Football
Viliam Ondrejka
Executive Committee Member, Professional Football
Jaroslav Sisolak
Head Of Media Rights And Licensing
Ján Letko
Chief Technology Officer (cto), Chief Information Officer (cio)
František Ferenc
Senior IT Support And IT Project Manager
Albert Rusnak
Head Coach Sr19