Steven Engineering, Inc.


Established in 1975, Steven Engineering has grown into one of the largest distributors of industrial controls and components in the United States. With over two million available parts and a vast supporting inventory, we service a wide range of industries providing electrical components, automated i... Read more




Org chart

Bryan Wolfgram
Chief Executive Officer

Bryan Wolfgram

Bonnie Walter
Chief Executive Officer
Mark Miyaji
Manager Of Marketing Communications
Yuly Jeng
Vice President Finance / CFO
Annette Hackman
Director Of Human Resources
John Braasch
Director Of Sales And Business Development
Feras Bseiso
Erp/technology Project Manager
Joann Gonzalez
Senior Account Manager
Tom Fletcher
Technical Services Manager
Jennifer Hwu
Sales Application Engineer
Sean Visperas
Motion Systems Engineer
Zachary Belohoubek
Motion Systems Engineer