The Legal Defense Team at Still She Rises, Tulsa, provides comprehensive legal representation to indigent mothers involved in criminal and civil legal matters. This interdisciplinary team consists of attorneys and client advocates who specialize in criminal defense, family defense, and impact litigation. The team works collaboratively to not only address immediate legal challenges but also to focus on systemic issues affecting the community, with the goal of preserving family unity and advocating for the rights and dignity of their clients.
Abigail Pink
Staff Attorney-criminal Defens...
Bryna Frohock
Client Advocate-criminal Defen...
Darla Sedgwick
Staff Attorney-criminal Defens...
David J. Epstein
Staff Attorney-impact Litigati...
Hayley Horowitz
Director Of Impact Litigation
Kelley Maricle
Client Advocate-criminal Defen...
Kira Benton
Attorney-criminal Defense
Nancy Coppola Renber...
Staff Attorney-family Defense
Phoebe Kasdin
Staff Attorney-impact Litigati...
Quinn Fields
Attorney-civil Defense