Summit Surgical, Inc.



Based in Seattle, WA, Summit Surgical, Inc. has 60+ dedicated sales representatives with longstanding careers in the orthopedic field. With our dedication to medical education, we ensure that our representatives provide the highest level of technical support to all surgeons and staff. Summit Surgica... Read more




Org chart

Kelly Lewis
Vice President Of Operations And Business Development

Kelly Lewis

Brighton Summers
Technology Specialist
Emily Thomas
Hr/ Employee Experience Team
Marco Ramos
Inventory Support, Audit, & Billing Specialist
Robert Hankey
Technology Specialist
Andy Ritala
Territory Lead
Derek Bolton
Territory Lead
Eric Hanenkrat
Terriotry Lead
Greg Malo
Territory Lead
Matt Devlin
Territory Lead
Taylor Isadore
Territory Lead
Todd Woods
Territory Lead
Zach Warmuth
Territory Lead
David Schumacher
Sports Medicine Sales Manager
Christine Malnar
Inventory Specialist
Jake Love
Technology Specialist
Jennifer Palmer
Inventory Specialist
Mike Pigg
Technology Specialist
Misha Starovoytov
Inventory Specialist
Chris Rude
Surgical Associate
Garrett Sorenson
Technology Specialist
Jake Ritter
Surgical Associate
Kaitlyn Mcleod
Surgical Associate
Logan Martinson
Surgical Associate
Rachel Robinson
Technology Specialist
Darina Brichka
Technology Specialist
Todd Lehman
Technology Specialist
Tyler Swanson
Surgical Associate
Britney Thurber
Sales Optimization Specialist