The Research and Scientific Development team at Sysmex Inostics focuses on advancing liquid biopsy technology by developing and validating high-sensitivity assays for detecting tumor DNA mutations in blood samples. They work on creating innovative diagnostic tools for monitoring therapy responses, identifying resistance mutations, and detecting minimal residual disease (MRD). This multidisciplinary team of scientists, research associates, and bioinformaticians collaborates to enhance the capability and accuracy of the SafeSEQ NGS technology, ensuring it meets clinical needs and supports therapeutic development.
Agathe Lamik
Scientist Research & Innovatio...
Brittany Lanzetta
Scientist, Translational Resea...
Celina Tretter
Scientist & Team Lead
Ines Stevic
Senior Scientist/team Lead Cli...
Inga Medina Diaz
Staff Research Associate
Jacob Claussen
Kaja Wieghardt
Research Associate
Katharina Wichner
Senior Scientist Laboratory Op...
Laura Gauglitz
Research Associate Clinical As...
Sven Fliether
Research Associate