Chuck Amos

Advisor at Tales2go

Chuck Amos is CEO of GuideK12, a leader in geovisual analytics for the school market. Prior to GuideK12, Chuck served as the CEO of Atomic Learning from 2003 to 2007 helping to grow Atomic Learning to the worlds leading provider of web-based software training serving schools in US and around the world. Before joining Atomic Learning, Mr. Amos worked as the Central US Education Regional Manager for Apple Computer. Chuck has worked in educational technology for 18 years serving schools in the US and around the world. He has worked for large and small companies and in various capacities within those organizations. Chuck has been involved in creating a variety of programs serving the needs of education including statewide implementations of programs, professional development offerings, school networking, technology planning and implementation, educational budgeting at the local level, state and national level. He has also been actively involved in national education policy with organizations including ISTE, CoSN, SIIA, SETDA and others.