Temple Beth Elohim

1 follower

Temple Beth Elohim is a warm and inclusive Reform congregation, dedicated to creating a sacred community engaged in joyous, participatory and meaningful prayer, lifelong Jewish learning, excellence and innovation in education, and dedicated social activism. We are a magnet congregation of more than... Read more





Org chart

Danny Navisky

Danny Navisky

Jennifer Morris
Presidential Appointee & Leadership Council Co-Chair
Monique Burns Thompson
Presidential Appointee
Alexandra Fuchs
Presidential Appointee
Danna Greenberg
VP, Administration
Paula Berg
VP, Caring Connections
Julie Somers
VP, Communications
Susan Solomont
VP, Philanthropy
Glenn Burack
VP, Finance
Juli Ledoux
VP, Governance
Marni Allen
VP, Adult Jewish Living
Jessica Lasser
VP, Youth Jewish Living
Susan Alvares Correa
VP, K’lal Yisrael
Ted Nesson
VP, Member Engagement
Eric Hochberg
VP, T’filah
Nicole Roos
VP, Tikkun Olam
Stephen Ashkinos
Executive Director, Administration & Operations
Alison Kur
Executive Director, Jewish Living & Learning
Elise Lublin
Director Of Communications
Lisa Scott
Director, Gan Elohim Early Learning Center